
The California Psychological Association, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, National Association of Social Workers – CA Chapter, California Association of Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, California Behavioral Health Agencies, and California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies are supporting legislation to stop the use of “deadnames” by the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA). Last night, CSAP’s Government Affairs Committee recommended, and the Board concurred, that CSAP join this effort.

When a licensed professional has transitioned and legally changed their name, their original or deadname appears in the DCA’s Breeze online license verification system. This practice negatively impacts all licensees under the DCA who are identified by their deadname.

This legislative proposal requires DCA to better protect the privacy and safety of licensees by updating the Breeze system to limit the online display to the licensee’s current legal name. Provisions to ensure consumers could find information or file a complaint under the licensee’s deadname would be available.

Currently, the California State Bar directs consumers to call the State Bar when they submit an inquiry under a deadname.  A similar process could be put into place at DCA to ensure consumers can locate a provider or wish to file a complaint.

You may view draft bill language here.  

You may review a complete list of bills being tracked (so far this legislative session) by CSAP here

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