Update Regarding California Health Workforce Research Data Center Survey
The Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), formerly known as the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, is partnering with the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) and the Medical Board of California to collect important health workforce data.
HCAI is a leader in collecting data and disseminating information about California’s healthcare infrastructure. HCAI promotes an equitably distributed health workforce and publishes valuable information about healthcare outcomes.
With the passage of Assembly Bill 133 (Chapter 143, Statutes of 2021), HCAI is launching the California Health Workforce Research Data Center (Center). The Center will serve as the state’s central repository for health workforce data, and will collect, analyze, and distribute information on educational and employment trends for healthcare occupations in the state. HCAI will produce an annual report that discusses:Supply and demand of the health workforceGeographical distribution of the health workforceDiversity of the health workforce, by specialty (including, but not limited to, data on race, ethnicity, and languages spoken)Current and forecasted demand for healthcare workers, by specialtyEducational capacity to produce trained, certified, and licensed healthcare workers, by specialty and by geographical distributionHCAI, in partnership with the Medical Board of California and DCA, has developed a workforce survey for you to complete during your electronic licensure renewal process. The survey will incorporate the requirements of Assembly Bill 133 as well as the current requirements of Business and Professions Code (BPC) sections 2425.1 and2425.3 regarding training and practice characteristics for each physician licensed in California. Please note that only data collected pursuant to BPC 2425.1 and 2425.3 will be available on the Board’s website; with exception of data regarding race, ethnicity, and language fluency which will only be disclosed with consent of the physician.
This data will help shape the future of health workforce policy in California. The workforce survey will be available beginning July 14, 2022. HCAI plans to present data and findings from the Center at future Medical Board of California meetings, social media posts and other outlets.
Please feel free to contact HCAI at workforcedata@hcai.ca.gov if you have questions about this survey.