SB 43 (Eggman) Advances in the Legislature

CSAP’s co-sponsored SB 43 (Eggman), which proposes to rewrite California’s definition of grave disability, passed through the Senate Health Committee Wednesday afternoon on a 12-0 vote. CSAP Government Affairs Committee (GAC) member Aaron Meyer (SDPS) was one of the two lead witnesses on the bill along with a representative of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). You may view the bill presentation by visiting here Senate Health Committee (3/29/23) and advancing to 52:46 on the recording. You may also view SYASL staff notes from the hearing here. Next stop, the Senate Judiciary Committee.
CSAP Adopts New Bill Positions
Monday night, the Governmental Affairs Committee recommended that CSAP adopt the following bill positions. The CSAP Board is expected to concur as follows:
AB 456 (Maienschein) Public postsecondary education: campus mental health hotlines
AB 492 (Pellerin) Medi-Cal: reproductive and behavioral health integration pilot programs
AB 564 (Villapudua) Medi-Cal enrollment
AB 1001 (Haney) Health facilities: behavioral health emergency services
AB 1085 (Maienshein) Medi-Cal: housing support services
SB 65 (Ochoa Bogh) Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program
SB 282 (Eggman) Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics
AB 459 (Haney) California Behavioral Health Outcomes and Accountability Review
AB 616 (Rodriguez) Medical Group Financial Transparency Act
AB 1316 (Irwin) Emergency services: psychiatric emergency medical conditions
You may view a list of CSAP’s tracked legislation, including hearing information, here.