Legislative Update 

Deadline to Introduce New Bills

Today is the deadline for the introduction of new bills in 2022. Expect at least 2000 new proposals. Next week, you will receive a matrix of relevant proposals as well as a summary in the newsletter. The GA Committee and Board will meet twice in March (3/3 and 3/17) to consider new legislation. In the meantime, for what had been introduced prior to this newsletter going out, you can view new proposals here.


The number of proposals on workforce gets larger every day. CSAP is part of a coalition effort to refine, coordinate, and advocate for what is truly needed next in California. Below is a sampling of proposals currently being floated. Some will be in bills, some will be pursued in the state budget, some will pursue both avenues:

Senate Bill 964 – Behavioral Health Workforce Revitalization Act 

FY 22 – 23 California State Budget $51M New Workforce Investments

Expanded Capacity for Masters of Social Work (MSW) Students in California Schools

University CA Irvine SSIHI Health and Wellness Coaching (HWC) Training Program – Behavioral Health / SUD (BH-SUD) Track Extending Access to Care

University CA Irvine Train New Trainers Primary Care -Training and Education in Addiction Medicine One-Year Fellowship Training

CMA Physician Pipeline Pathway Program Budget Proposal 

CMA Psychiatry GMA Funding Budget Proposal

Stanislaus State Proposal

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